Friday, November 30, 2007

Top 10 Godzilla Movies

As an inauspicious start to this blog, here's my list of the top 10 Godzilla movies.

Eliminated from contention, because I haven't seen them yet, are "Godzilla Raids Again" (1955), "Godzilla vs. The Sea Monster" (1966), and "Godzilla vs. Megaguirus." So, in reverse order:

10. Godzilla and Mothra: The Battle for Earth (1992) - Mostly for the update of the Mothra song. (Sing along: "Mosuraya! Mosura! Dongan kasakuyan! Indo muu!")

9. Godzilla vs. Megalon (1973) - Jet Jaguar! (shhhiinnng!)

8. Terror of Mechagodzilla (1975) - Because I wish I had one. Even if he was sort of evil. Finger missiles make up for a lot of sins.

7. Godzilla 2000 (1999) - Probably my favorite model of Godzilla - all angry and toothy and spikey. Plus, he fights a giant rock.

6. Godzilla vs. Gigan (1972) - Gigan is the coolest dumb-looking monster this side of Space Godzilla. Also, the bad guys are giant space cockroaches from Nebula M who make their bid for world domination from a theme park.

5. Godzilla, Mothra, King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack (2001) - Nice to see G as a badass again. Poor ol' Baragon apparently gets no love, though. The second best kaiju team-up movie.

4. Mothra vs. Godzilla (1964) - Mothra died for our sins.

3. Godzilla vs. Hedorah (1971) - Better known as Godzilla vs. The Smog Monster. The most underrated Godzilla movie. It has cartoons, children's letters, hippies, science, a kid with a Godzilla toy, flying Godzilla, a fatal hilltop rave, and an acid trip where everyone turns into a fishhead. And a score that makes Godzilla seem drunk. And whatever happened to that poor cat on the stairwell of the dance club? This movie is insane. The recent U.S. DVD release loses something without the "Save the Earth" song, though. So skip to the 2 minute mark here for music and for fish.

2. Godzilla (1954) - Either version's cool. That oxygen destroyer used to scare the bejesus out of me when I was a kid. Akira Ifukube's main theme is perfection. Plus: Scientist With Eyepatch. Always a good thing.

1. Ghidora, The Three Headed Monster (1964) - Godzilla, Mothra and Rodan tag team against King Ghidorah, proving that if only kaiju used their stomping, supersonic flight, silk spitting and bad breath for niceness, the world would be a better place. Kind of a lesson for us all.

Okay. That is all.

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