Monday, July 7, 2008

Well Played, Agent Smith. Well Played.

Or, why J.S. rocks your socks.

Dude goes to the Chicago Comicon, offers to lug a couple of books to get signed, including a hugh jass Alias omnibus. (Note for non-comics readers: Alias has nothing to do with the TV show, and is much, much cooler.) And he comes back not only with that stuff, but with no prompting, also hands me one of those "Real Power of the DCU" Vanity Fair-type posters, and a print of Jessica Jones (star of Alias), signed by David Mack:

Well played, Agent Smith. For those who rock your socks, we salute you. (Sing in AC/DC voice, then fire a cannon.)

And for the two or three readers (of the five or six readers of this blog) who don't already know it, Jake talks a little bit about the con here and here. (There's a cool Gene Ha sketch at the second one. I think if I got one of those, I'd go for Green Arrow, from the Mike Grell years.)

1 comment:

Jet Ski Ham said...

Nice one, man. Happy to do it.