Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Pat Novak Says...

"Well, I watched her for a minute as she brushed her hair back and started the car. It was nice hair, and the dress helped too. It was dark blue and had a v-neck, but the designer believed in big letters. She pulled away, and gave me a look you could take on a safari. It was enough to tell me she was as safe as a tap dancer on a floor full of dynamite caps. I walked up and turned in at Pier 19. When I reached the door of the office, I could see the old man sitting by the desk. He looked tired, and a year older than the Bible. His hands were shaking and his skin was coarse and the color of an old razor strap. When I walked in, he glanced up at me and looked about as happy as a Cocker Spaniel with a stomach ache."

From Pat Novak for Hire March 30, 1949 - "Rory Malone."

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Great pulp fiction!