Sunday, March 2, 2008



Some free stuff up online for the moment.

1. Neil Gaiman's novel American Gods. You can read the whole thing online here

More cool stuff at Gaiman's site, right here.

2. Episodes of Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, over at NBC's site. Be warned, there are annoying commercials, but once the opening credits start, it's all worth it.

If you saw the South Park episode where Cartman gets sent to the future and goes through that time tunnel thing, and didn't know what the hell was going on, watch this.

Added bonus - dialogue like this: "A very amusing term, Rogers. You mean we actually have to put a ball on our foot?"

Added added bonus - Jack Palance dressed in white, telling his followers to "Descend upon Earth like meteors!" Believe it . . . or not.

Oh, and his hands glow red.

And there's a space boomerang.

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