Friday, May 30, 2008

"Stop draggin' my heart around."

So, more from Thursday's flahr session.

These guys would be snapdragons. Blue snapdragons, apparently, though they ain't blue.

The desaturation thing is hitting these as well, so again, if there's any you'd want, let me know. This is also making it seem almost sunny in these photos, when it was overcast, and about to start raining again. (Was raining again, for the last couple of photos.)

Most of them were doing some water catching, which is cool:

This one seems like a little cartoon character:

Maybe that's his little posse in the background:

There he is again. It'd be cool to use this as the basis for some bit of computer animation:

Anyway, back to business.

Apparently, the genus name, Antirrhinum, comes from the Greek for "like a nose." So I guess I should have called this entry "Mighty Like a Nose," if I wanted to be really obscure.

Okay, not too much else to say about those, except they sure look purty.

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